Heart & the new tele-course

Hype or heart? That is the question. As I promote my new Your Money or Your Life Tele-course , I invite you to give me your feedback. I’m reaching down inside myself with the command that’s always cut to the spiritual chase for me: “know what you are doing and why.” I’m working to link that inner knowing with this lifelong outer work of helping people transform their relationship with money, stuff, time and all the rest. I just sent the below out to my email list – I think the heart is linked to the “hype” – the invitation to learn with me. let me know what you think.

Dear You!

Do you want to be part of positive change rather than a bystander in the tides of history? I sure do.

I believe the new 7-week Your Money or Your Life Tele-course starting on February 15 can help us get there.

To introduce you to the practices and principles I’ll teach, I’m inviting you to a free teleclass, Three Awakenings of Money, this Saturday, February 12 at 10 AM PST. This is the second of two free classes I’m offering this month to launch the course.

Even if you’ve already read Your Money or Your Life, sometimes what you really need to stay on track with your commitments is some good, old fashioned support–from me and a community of like-minded learners! I’ll also share several practical ideas you can use. The 7-week Your Money or Your Life course will then lead you through a systematic guided process of clarification, discovery and change.
This Your Money or Your Life approach to change is a set of tools, principles, perspectives and practices that can help you turn the tide in your life towards being fully alive, fully yourself, fully engaged. You will strengthen what you need to succeed as a human, not according to some external standard, but according to your own best lights.

How is it for you? Does “daily life” seem to get in the way of living your dreams? I used one of my own tools to investigate that apparent dilemma and discovered that cooking and cleaning are not “in the way” – they are part of the way because I am a whole human living a whole life. In fact, doing dishes supports my work – I get time to stand at the sink and think. If someone had just told me that, I would have dismissed it. “Don’t you see I’m busy!” But the discovery healed that split.

So many of us treat life like a problem to be solved rather than an extraordinary gift to be unwrapped and a great adventure to be lived. I’m excited to bring you this course because I believe we are in a time of unprecedented change and I want resourceful people on my team – people who are creative, courageous, capable and cheerful no matter what life (or their psyche) throws their way.

Ask yourself:  

o   Do you want to marry your daily life to your deeper life?

o   Do you despair of ever getting out from behind your personal financial eight ball, balancing your responsibilities, cleaning out your office, closet, garage or fridge?

o   Have you fallen off the wagon in your commitments to change and want to get back on – and moving?

 I invite you to join me at 10 AM this Saturday to get a sampler of the 7-week course. Everything I’ll share is product tested in the “kitchen of life” – mine and thousands of others who’ve used the tools. I’d be honored if you sign up and either come or listen to the recording.

So click here for the free class Saturday February 12 at 10 AM PST  


Click here for the 7-week course starting February 15, 5-6.30 PM PST (which includes 3 bonus classes with Dave Ellis, Alisa Gravitz and Bernard Lietaer) 

Our work is evolving now, keeping pace with the rapidly evolving times. I hope we can grow together , bring our best – and whole – selves to this learning opportunity and then take our next steps more resourced than ever.  

Hope to “see” you soon,


PS – There are three kinds of tools you will use to transform your relationship with whatever you want to change:
Principles: guiding truths, what you will discover for yourself
Practices: What you do to disrupt old habits and lay down new tracks
Perspectives: the spirit you bring to it all
Here are the Seven Principles I’ll cover in detail during the 7-week Course:
Purpose – what is my life about?
Passion – what drives me, compels me, allures me, arouses me. Where’s the energy?
Pleasure – what is happiness? What makes me happy? Really?
Pattern – what do the ways I invest myself tell me about myself?
Play -how else can I do this? Where else might I find it? Who else can help? What else can it be?
Power – that which comes from being the one in your life who chooses and acts and takes responsibility.
Peace – contentment, satisfaction, at ease, no striving, “enoughness”

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