Sounds True releases 2 CD set of Vicki Robin

Vicki Robin clearly walks you through the 9-step program, starting off with a fresh introduction. New insights for old fans as well as a complete description of the program that is still revolutionizing the way we think about, spend, save and invest money. It’s available now at Sounds True

And now you can listen to the 60 minute Sounds True “Insights at the Edge” Podcast with Tami Simon interviewing Vicki Robin.

Sounds True, Inc.

Your Money or Your Life

9 Steps to Transforming Your Relationship with Money and Achieving Financial Independence

Vicki Robin
2 CD Set: $19.95

Ships without delay

Click here to add it to your cart at  SoundsTrue


Have Enough Money for a Rich Life-Without Winning the Lottery
How much money is enough? Vicki Robin has made it her life’s work to explore this question. Her remarkable discovery: money is energy-and conscious awareness is the key to finding its real value. On Your Money or Your Life Robin shares the nine-step program originally created with her teaching partner Joe Dominguez, which has helped nearly three quarters of a million people worldwide reach new levels of comfort, competence, and consciousness around their personal finances. Updated for the 21st century, this two-CD program offers hands-on tools and practical insights to help you achieve financial independence and enjoy a fulfilling relationship with money by exploring:

  • How to reframe your finances to create a life you love with the income you have
  • No shame, no blame-a healthy attitude to develop toward money
  • Tips for identifying your “enough point”-your internal yardstick of fulfillment
  • How to reduce your consumption by 25 percent or more and still be happy
  • Practical insights refined from 15 years of participants’ experiences to help you worry less, relax more, and gain confidence in your financial abilities

Even people who win the lottery still have money problems, teaches Robin. Whether you’re trying to plan for your future, recover from poor choices in the past, or better manage your daily spending habits, Your Money or Your Life provides a road map with proven tools and pragmatic teachings to you get there.


Contents: 2 CD ‘s ( 2 hours, 15 minutes )
Date Published: September 01, 2009
ISBN-10: 1-59179-730-6
ISBN-13: 978-1-59179-730-2
Dimensions: 5 X 5 3/4
Product Code: W1379D

Are you a “Financially Independent Thinker”?

with Vicki Robin

A key to transforming your relationship with money is becoming a “Financially Independent Thinker.” In this excerpt from Your Money or Your Life, Vicki explains:

When we talk about financial independence, the image that usually comes to mind is an abundance of leisure time, living in the lap of luxury—basically, the idea of rolling in dough. To uncover what financial independence really means often requires a shift in our thinking. To help facilitate that, we can ask ourselves a key question: How much money is enough for me to be happy? Many people respond to this inquiry by pulling random numbers out of the air like a million dollars. But FI-ers, or people who have used the tools in this program and embody financially independent thinking, have discovered that their “enough point” is actually much less. In fact, by using FI thinking, most people lower their expenses by 25 percent—and feel more satisfied with their purchases.

FI thinking applies consciousness to the flow of money in our lives. It requires that we look beyond what we have known to be true, and discover a whole new road map for money. Ultimately, this helps us to have a clearer, more relaxed and fulfilling relationship with money.

On Your Money or Your Life Robin shares the nine-step program originally created with her teaching partner Joe Dominguez, which has helped nearly three quarters of a million people worldwide reach new levels of comfort, competence, and consciousness around their personal finances. Updated for the 21st century, this program offers hands-on tools and practical insights to help you achieve financial independence and a fulfilling relationship with money.

3 thoughts on “Sounds True releases 2 CD set of Vicki Robin

  1. I am looking for the forms to complete the worksheets. Does the workbook include the forms, or the website? Or should I make my own from the description in the book? Sorry, not a lot of time to make my own. Thank you for your help.

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